Yes And Dragons

The Good, The Bad, and The Chosen - Part 17: Don't Look

Episode Summary

Howdy partner! It's been a minute since you last heard from the Birthday Party but the chosen ones are back! We pick up right from where we left off, Morgana sent her regards and set fire to our heroes camp. With a child to keep safe and a prophecy to fulfil, the stakes are higher than ever.

Episode Notes

Howdy partner! It's been a minute since you last heard from the Birthday Party but the chosen ones are back! We pick up right from where we left off, Morgana sent her regards and set fire to our heroes camp. With a child to keep safe and a prophecy to fulfil, the stakes are higher than ever.



Ross Magnant as Gyle Longhat
Anna O'Dea as Jayce Obsidian
Zephry Wright as Gideon Marsh
Bianca Carrasco as Penny Woodfarthing
Tori Dowd as your trusty Dungeon Master
Ari Goldberg as the lovely and talented sound person


Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.
Production Assistance by Ed McCabe
Logo design by Ari Goldberg
Theme song and additional music by Nathan Cowper
Narration by Kellie Moon

Recorded at Improv Asylum in Boston Massachusetts
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network