Poems are read, wishes are made, cards are drawn, people are eaten, and we find out who the most intimidating prisoner is. Our four "heroes" are back on the second floor with only one direction left to go, down! Will they make it through the hole in the floor before the guards discover just what they are up to? Will the source of said hole be discovered? What is that delicious smell? Find out all that and more on this week's episode of Yes And... Dragons!
Poems are read, wishes are made, cards are drawn, people are eaten, and we find out who the most intimidating prisoner is. Our four "heroes" are back on the second floor with only one direction left to go, down! Will they make it through the hole in the floor before the guards discover just what they are up to? Will the source of said hole be discovered? What is that delicious smell? Find out all that and more on this week's episode of Yes And... Dragons!
James Melloni as Reaver
Andy Bridges as Azerack the Collector
Bill Fryer as Augustus
Steph Simon as Jan
Recorded at Improv Asylum
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network
Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.