It all comes down to this! Our four prisoners have finally made it to the ground floor. The grunts and groans of Big Bazuma are streaming out from the courtyard while the delicious aroma of Chef Heward's famous prison stew are wafting out from the kitchen. Will Augustus and company escape from the ever so thick walls of the Asylum? Will Big Bazuma crush them underfoot and use their bones as toothpicks? Will Jan make a horrible business transaction? You wont want to miss what goes down in the stunning conclusion of The Hanover Redemption.
It all comes down to this! Our four prisoners have finally made it to the ground floor. The grunts and groans of Big Bazuma are streaming out from the courtyard while the delicious aroma of Chef Heward's famous prison stew are wafting out from the kitchen. Will Augustus and company escape from the ever so thick walls of the Asylum? Will Big Bazuma crush them underfoot and use their bones as toothpicks? Will Jan make a horrible business transaction? You wont want to miss what goes down in the stunning conclusion of The Hanover Redemption.
James Melloni as Reaver
Andy Bridges as Azerack the Collector
Bill Fryer as Augustus
Steph Simon as Jan
Recorded at Improv Asylum
A part of the Asylum Podcast Network
Sound design and editing by Mike Crockett of Crackpot Podcast Production.